Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Visas de turista, trabajo y estudio solo para mexicanos

Visas de turista, trabajo y estudio solo para mexicanos Obviamente, los  mexicanos pueden obtener todas las visas americanas disponibles para todo e mundo. Adems, tienen visas disponibles solo para esos nacionales para visitar, trabajar y estudiar. Todas esas ventajas afectan a visas no inmigrantes. Por el contrario, en las visas de inmigrantes para obtener la green card los mexicanos resultan perjudicados. En este artà ­culo se explican por un lado, los  caminos abiertos a mexicanos con  ms facilidades y, por otro,  tambià ©n los caminos cerrados. Visas de turista para los mexicanos Los mexicanos pueden obtener las visas de turista y de negocios conocidas como B1/B2 que aplican a todos los extranjeros. Pero adems, si viven en la zona fronteriza con Estados Unidos, pueden solicitar si asà ­ lo prefieren una visa lser  que tambià ©n se conoce como tarjeta de cruce. Hay que tener claro que las lser son muy cà ³modas para cruzar la frontera de una manera rpida. Pero tienen importantes limitaciones que las distinguen de las visa que se sellan en el pasaporte. Por ejemplo, con una visa lser la estancia en Estados Unidos no puede ser superior a 30 dà ­as. Adems, est limitada la entrada a 25 millas a contar desde la frontera. Con la excepcià ³n de ciertos puertos fronterizos como Nogales o Douglas que permiten internarse en el interior de EEUU hasta 75 millas. Adems, es muy importante saber que sà ³lo se pueden utilizar en puestos aduaneros terrestres. No sirven para viajar a Estados Unidos por barco o avià ³n. Por à ºltimo, estas visas tambià ©n las pueden solicitar los extranjeros que residen legalmente en Mà ©xico y tienen su domicilio en la zona fronteriza. Visas de trabajo para mexicanos Adems de las visas de trabajo disponibles para todos los extranjeros, existen visados que sà ³lo aplican a los mexicanos o a un grupo limitado de nacionales de ciertos paà ­ses entre los que se encuentra Mà ©xico. Los profesionales pueden acceder a una visa TN, creada al amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamà ©rica (NAFTA). Tienen una tramitacià ³n especial y pueden beneficiar a un amplio abanico de profesiones que se encuentran listadas en Apà ©ndice 1603.D.1 y que son estas 60. Para poder solicitarla, es preciso tener una oferta de trabajo a tiempo completo o parcial. Est expresamente prohibido el autoempleo. Adems, existen visas no inmigrantes para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos a las que pueden acceder los nacionales de ciertos paà ­ses, entre ellos los mexicanos, que de hecho son la nacionalidad con ms visas aprobadas en las categorà ­as H-2A y H2-B. Por ejemplo, las H-2B  sirven  trabajar en una gran variedad de empleos, muchos de ellos en el sector turà ­stico y que no requieren de estudios superiores. Para esta categorà ­a se pueden ofertar un mximo de 66.000 mil visas por aà ±o fiscal. Generalmente se conceden por un aà ±o, pudià ©ndose extender hasta un mximo de tres. Adems, estn las H-2A para trabajar en el sector de la agricultura. El cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona a la que se le dà © esta visa pueden viajar con à ©l o con ella a Estados Unidos, si bien tienen prohibido trabajar mientras dure su estancia. Pero lo hijos podrn estudiar en las escuelas americanas. Este es un listado de ms de 60 reclutadores mexicanos de trabajadores temporeros para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Diferentes a las visas de trabajo son las de inversià ³n, pero permiten trabajar en la empresa que se crea. Los mexicanos pueden acceder a las E-1 para empresas de import/export y a las E-2, donde hay que tener claro desde el principio cà ³mo entender el monto de capital que se debe invertir.   Las visas de inversià ³n E-1 y E-2 pueden ser disfrutadas, adems, por ciudadanos de otros paà ­ses, pero no de todos. Visas para estudiar en Estados Unidos Adems de las tà ­picas F-1 y M-1, los mexicanos y los canadienses que viven a lo largo de sus respectivas fronteras con Estados Unidos pueden estudiar en este paà ­s con una visa F-3. Esas visas son atractivas pero tambià ©n tienen inconvenientes, como por ejemplo que sà ³lo se pueden utilizar para estudiar en escuelas y universidades que estn a un mximo de 75 millas de la frontera. Cà ³mo acelerar el paso por el control migratorio de Estados Unidos Los mexicanos pueden formar parte de programas que permiten un pase ms rpido por el control de las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos.   Para las fronteras terrestres y marà ­timas, se puede utilizar SENTRI, mientras que para ingresar a USA por un aeropuerto el programa correcto es Global Entry. Malas noticias para mexicanos En los prrafos anteriores se seà ±alaron importantes ventajas para mexicanos. Sin embargo, no todo son buenas noticias. Y es que la alta tasa de inmigracià ³n mexicana en los Estados Unidos provoca que en algunas categorà ­as migratorias debe esperar ms aà ±os para emigrar o, simplemente, algunos caminos les està ©n prohibidos. Por ejemplo, los mexicanos, junto con los indios, chinos y filipinos deben esperar ms aà ±os que el resto de nacionalidades en ciertas peticiones de familia, como por ejemplo las peticiones de ciudadano para hermanos o hijos casados o hijos mayores de 21 aà ±os. Asimismo, no pueden participar en la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad, que permite obtener la green card a los ganadores de un sorteo. Este es un artà ­culo legal, es meramente informativo.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Algebra Definition

Algebra Definition Algebra is a branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers. Algebra is about finding the unknown or putting real-life variables into equations and then solving them.  Algebra can include real and complex numbers, matrices, and vectors. An algebraic equation represents a scale where what is done on one side of the scale is also done to the other and numbers act as constants. The important branch of mathematics dates back centuries, to the Middle East. History Algebra was invented by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a mathematician, astronomer, and geographer, who was born about 780 in Baghdad. Al-Khwarizmis treatise on algebra,  al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr waÊ ¾l-muqabala  (â€Å"The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing†), which was published about 830, included elements of Greek, Hebrew, and Hindu works that were derived from Babylonian mathematics more than 2000 years earlier. The term al-jabr in the title led to the word algebra when the work was translated into Latin several centuries later.  Although it sets forth the basic rules of algebra,  the treatise  had a practical objective: to teach, as al-Khwarizmi put it: ...what is easiest and most useful in arithmetic, such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partition, lawsuits, and trade, and in all their dealings with one another, or where the measuring of lands, the digging of canals, geometrical computations, and other objects of various sorts and kinds are concerned. The work included examples as well as algebraic rules to help the reader with practical applications. Uses of Algebra Algebra is widely used in many fields including medicine and accounting, but it can also be useful for everyday problem-solving. Along with developing critical thinking- such as logic, patterns, and deductive and inductive reasoning- understanding the core concepts of algebra can help people better handle complex problems involving numbers. This can help them in the workplace where real-life scenarios of unknown variables related to expenses and profits require employees to use algebraic equations to determine the missing factors. For example, suppose an employee needed to determine how many boxes of detergent he started the day with if he sold 37 but still had 13 remaining. The algebraic equation for this problem would be: x – 37 13 where the number of boxes of detergent he started with is represented by x, the unknown he is trying to solve. Algebra seeks to find the unknown and to find it here, the employee would manipulate the scale of the equation to isolate x on one side by adding 37 to both sides: x – 37 37 13 37x 50 So, the employee started the day with 50 boxes of detergent if he had 13 remaining after selling 37 of them. Types of Algebra There are numerous branches of algebra, but these are generally considered the most important: Elementary: a branch of algebra that deals with the general properties of numbers and the relations between them Abstract: deals with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems   Linear: focuses on linear equations such as linear functions and their representations through matrices and vector spaces Boolean: used to analyze and simplify digital (logic) circuits, says Tutorials Point. It uses only binary numbers, such as 0 and 1. Commutative: studies  commutative rings- rings in which multiplication operations are commutative. Computer: studies and develops algorithms and software for manipulating mathematical expressions and objects Homological: used to prove nonconstructive existence theorems in algebra, says the text, An Introduction to Homological Algebra Universal: studies common properties of all  algebraic  structures, including groups, rings, fields, and lattices, notes Wolfram Mathworld Relational: a procedural query language, which takes a relation as input and generates a relation as output, says Geeks for Geeks Algebraic number theory: a branch of number theory that uses the techniques of abstract algebra to study the integers, rational numbers, and their generalizations Algebraic geometry: studies zeros of multivariate polynomials, algebraic expressions that include real numbers and variables Algebraic combinatorics: studies finite or discrete structures, such as networks, polyhedra, codes, or algorithms, notes Duke Universitys Department of Mathematics.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tutor Marked assigment 03 - Science of the senses Essay

Tutor Marked assigment 03 - Science of the senses - Essay Example The different cones are sensitive to different light of different wavelength. The three cone cells are usually identified as S, M and L, which denotes short, medium and long wavelengths respectively. As explained by the trichromatic vision theory, the brain cannot be able to figure out the different colors, since the response given to the sensed light greatly depends upon the wavelength and the intensity of the light. For this reason, the ability of perceiving the color requires interaction of two or more types of cone. The interaction between two different cones enables the brain to compare the intensity of the signals, and hence differentiating the colors. The opponent theory puts some more lighting to the trichromatic vision theory, by stating that the cone photoreceptors are linked to produce three colors pairs which oppose. The color pairs identified by the theory are; blue/yellow, red/green, and black/white. The theory explains that, whenever one of the pairs is activated, no other can be activated at the same time. Likewise, it explains that no two members of a given pairs are visible at the same location. This is why; a person cannot see a color like ‘reddish green.’ The theory also provides an explanation for deficiencies, whereby people with dichromatic deficiency confuse colors. E.g. red and green. The ability of the body to sense a stimulus is called sensory modality. The sensory modality is based on the five senses. For the body to sense the stimuli, the stimuli must stimulate the receptor. Once the stimuli activate the sensory system, a perception of the stimuli is done, through coding. The effectiveness of the sensory system to finger out the stimuli is greatly influenced by a number of factors, including the intensity and position of the stimuli. For better interpretation of the stimuli, several sensory are sometimes combined. Vision sensory system can be affected by the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should Abortion Be Legalized Pros and Cons Essay

Should Abortion Be Legalized Pros and Cons - Essay Example Pro-choice supporters argue for a woman’s right to make her own choices, but are willing at times to consider some restrictions if the abortion comes very late in the term of pregnancy. The right to terminate a pregnancy is thought by them to be a choice that a woman makes to be in charge of her own body. Therefore, it is almost held as a sacred obligation that society does not interfere with that choice. In cases of late-term abortions, they are sometimes willing to balance the life of the child. Pro-life advocates want to strip that right. For them, the life of the child is held as sacred, and it must be balanced against the choice of the mother. Even they are generally willing, however, to make exceptions in the case of danger to the mother’s life or pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. Such balancing is often done with heavy hearts on both sides of the issue. To complicate matters even further, some hold extreme positions that do not allow for any compromises at all. Some advocate for choice and some for life, with no exceptions. This is why abortion has remained, on both sides over the years, a hotly-debated and controversial issue. This paper will summarize the arguments that have been involved in this debate. One of the main problems with abortion’s legality in the view of those who argue for a pro-choice position is the procedure’s terrible history. In the past, women had to go to doctors or unlicensed individuals (e.g., midwives or, worse, shady â€Å"chemists†) for illegal abortions. These procedures were often performed in secret, unclean surroundings. Most of the operators who performed abortions when they were illegal were poorly qualified (or, as stated, unlicensed), and the care delivered was unsanctioned, unregulated, and dangerous. It sometimes resulted in infertility. Some women met with tragic circumstances, including death by infection and bleeding that could have been prevented if abortions had been done

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Internship Report Essay Example for Free

Internship Report Essay I am Nigel Ng Ding Xun from Business Information Technology. During the ending of my second year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I had to go through what may be the toughest thing I faced during my time studying in Ngee Ann. Internship. I was placed in the company Lau Chin Huat Co. Lau Chin Huat Co. is a firm of certified public accountants. In the company, there are a total of three different departments. The IT department, the Accounts department, and the Audit department. The head of the IT department is my supervisor, Mr Anthony Lum. He is the one that handles any of the IT problems faced in the company. Staffs in the company often treat him as the ‘boss’, as Mr Lau is not in the company most of the time. Mr Anthony is very strict when it comes to work. He is known as one who would get displeased very easily when a work given by him to his staffs is not completed on time even though the time given may not be sufficient. Therefore, most of his co-workers tend to panic and put in their utmost effort into completing their work efficiently. The Accounts and Audit departments are managed by mainly Mr Yeo, and Miss Ai Ting. They might be my superiors, but when working there, I could sense the amount of respect they have for all of their staffs, regardless of their status in the company. Due to that, many of the staffs deeply respect them, including me. The Audit Department performs audit work on client’s financial statements and records. They assist in preparation of audit working papers of clients to facilitate further audit work, and the prepare audit reports for review by audit work. They are not in the company most of the time as they are often off to another company for auditing of work. The Organisational Chart for Lau Chin Huat Co: Lau Chin Huat uses mainly two kinds of software to run their business, it being Adagio and OpenOffice. Adagio itself has many different kinds of products, but the products that Lau Chin Huat uses would be mainly focused on Adagio Payables, Adagio receivables, and Adagio Ledger. With these softwares combined, you can complete accounts payables, receivables and General Ledger management for your business. Open Office is just like Microsoft Office, just that it does not cost a single cent and that it is free for everyone to use. During my first week at Lau Chin Huat, I was told to do a descriptive and pictorial step by step user manual of the software, Adagio. It basically meant that I had to take screenshots of every step of the process, combine it into one or two pictures, and describe what it was for. Although it was time consuming, it was really useful to me in the sense that I had a better understanding on how to use Adagio after finishing the user manual. Moving on, during the third week of my internship, I was exposed to excel and its formulas. Using formulas would promote ease of access as users would not need to manually key in the data needed anymore. Just a click and drag would solve all those issues. I was also given easier kind of work, such as editing templates that would be used as receipts. I learnt how to conduct stock take, and I also had to key in the stock count of the companies who have already conducted their stock take. As it has always been my dream to work in an accounting firm, I found much joy while doing the work needed at Lau Chin Huat. The one thing that I really love when I was working at Lau Chin Huat would be that my co-workers are really friendly. As almost half of the company comprises of interns like myself, it was really easy to get along with them. To my surprise, even those that are working as full-timers are really friendly as well. Everyone will always lend a helping hand to you when in need, or when you are at doubt. During our lunch break, we would gather together and talk about anything and everything in the world. This is something that I really cherished and enjoyed during my 2 months of Internship at Lau Chin Huat. I could still remember my first few days where I knew no one and I felt really lonely during lunch breaks as I always had to dine alone. Until that day where one of my colleagues asked me whether I would like to join them for lunch. That really made my day. Till now, I could still clearly remember that situation and how elated I felt at that time. That made me realized how important it is to have friends in life. Though the working environment may be small, but everyone in the company is very bonded. We share everything with each other, and we treat each other as our own siblings. Although it sounds as though we will play around in the company, but when it comes to work, we put our heart and soul into producing efficient and quality work. During my first few weeks at Lau Chin Huat, I faced many problems/difficulties. To start it off, I admit that I was not happy at all being posted here. The travelling distance from my house to Lau Chin Huat was a long journey, I had the lowest pay amongst all my friends, and worst of all, I had to work on Saturdays. Being a comparative person, after I was told by my friends that my posting was the worst amongst all of them, I was really unhappy. I was really negative and it was not a good start for me on the first day I started working at Lau Chin Huat. I was easily affected during work, and little things that annoyed me just made me hated having my internship here even more. That was when I wanted to opt for a change of internship placement. It’s a long story, but basically, that step I made was the biggest mistake in the time of undertaking my Internship. I caused a lot of problems for everyone, and that mistake almost cost me to fail my Internship. Luckily, I was given a second chance by Lau Chin Huat, and I am really grateful to them for that. I was then asked to go in with a positive mindset and do the best that I can. I mean, after all, it’s just six weeks. How hard can it get, seriously. That sentence was told to me by my NPIS supervisor, Mr Tay. It really woke me up. It made a lot of sense to me, and I told myself to give it another shot. Apparently, my habit of not being able to be punctual was a major obstacle to overcome for me. I was late most of the time, and that feeling was really horrible. The stares given by others when you are late and you walk into the company. Sometimes, I just wish to bury my head under the ground. I felt so ashamed of myself, I was scolded by Mr Anthony and he was really unhappy. From that moment I told myself not to be late anymore, to wake up early to attend work on time. The first time when I was punctual actually felt really great. I did not have to rush to work, I was not panicking about how I should explain to my boss about why I am late, and I was praised by Mr Anthony for being punctual. I was happy. That was when I started waking up earlier, just so that I would arrive to work on time. There were many times when I faced difficulties in completing my work, as the task given to me was kind of ‘impossible’. There was this once where I was given this Excel file and I was supposed to derive with formulas in order for easier formatting of data. Everything was a breeze and I did not face any difficulties until this one cell where I was supposed to format cells according to their address. (Eg. Block 340; one cell. Ang Mo Kio Avenue 2; one cell.) Due to the different formatting of data in the database, I was unable to derive with this particular formula. All of my time was then spent on looking for ways to come out with the formula, researching on whether there are such formulas, but to no avail. When I told Mr Anthony about it, he told me that he would fail me for this because if I could not find the formula, the work would not be counted as complete, and he grades me based on the results produced. That was when I really panicked and I was really upset. Thankfully, Mr Yeo knew about the plight I was in and he told Mr Anthony that it was not fair for me and asked him to give me simpler work instead. Knowing that I was given a second chance, I tried even harder so that the work that I produced would be up to Mr Anthony’s standard. On the last day of my work, I realized that Mr Anthony is not such a bad guy after all. He had a talk with me before I left the company. He explained to me the reasons why it seemed like he was always picking on me. He told me that in the past, he was just like me. Always being late, and that he did not give a care in the world. Thankfully, his supervisor talked to him and changed the way of how he saw things. Now, that he realized the amount of similarity that we used to have, he told himself that he just wanted to show me the way of life, just like how his supervisor did for him. He told me that he knows that I did my best, and he was proud of me. These words that he said are words that I will never forget. During my time at Lau Chin Huat, it really taught me the importance of responsibility, punctuality and respect. I was always late and I did not bother whether about punctuality at all, but after being posted to Lau Chin Huat, I realized how important punctuality really is, be it work, or anything else you do. It is able to see a person’s level of responsibility just by whether they are punctual or not. I also realized that respect is not necessarily always given to others, it will only be given to those who deserve it. These are qualities being taught to me that I will carry with me wherever I am, be it when I am working, or when I am doing other things. My suggestions to improve the work done would be to always do things with a positive mindset and to persevere on in whatever you do. With a positive mindset and perseverance, no matter how tough your work is, a positive mindset will guide you through the way and your perseverance will make sure you see it to the end. To me, I think that these are the qualities everyone should have as this will help and benefit you in whatever you do. In conclusion, having my Internship at Lau Chin Huat taught me more Excel formulas that I would be able to use in my course of study, it also taught me how to do reports after a stock take. Internship taught me many valuable life lessons. I am really glad that I gave my all during the second chance that was given to me. If given the chance to, I would be more than happy to work for Lau Chin Huat again.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

indus valley :: essays research papers fc

Beneath the Himalayas, Northwestern sector of the Asian subcontinent was beginning stage of an evolved city life. It was the earliest known civilization in South Asia. It is called the Indus Valley Civilization. It was the first civilization to flourish in India. This lasted from 2500 BC until 1500 BC. It is sometimes referred to as the Harappan civilization, named for the site of Harappa, one of its major centers. Sir John Marshall and his colleagues discovered this civilization. The Indus peoples used wheeled carts, designed creative jewelry and toys, and had written languages. The Indus valley civilization had reached it’s heights around 2500 BC â€Å"Among the indigenous people of ancient India, the Indus valley civilization stands out particularly advanced an impressive (Ludwig pg.65.)†. Researchers say that the Indus Valley civilization is far more advanced that prehistoric Egypt, Mesopotamia or anywhere else in the Western Asia. The Indus Valley stretches for thousands of miles. It had many cities, which included the two largest cities Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. These two cities had the population of more than 40,000 each while Sumerian cities only had 10,000 each. In the entire Indus valley civilization had about seven hundred towns and villages. The Indus valley people lived off of agriculture, and trade. They grew barley, wheat, rice and etc. There was remarkable achievement on cotton. It was the earliest traces of cotton. Trade and agriculture was their source of wealth and survival. The Indus people used bronze and copper greatly. They use it to make spears, knives, short swords, axes and fish-hooks. Gold and silver was used to create ornaments, amulets, and charms. These were used to protect them from evil sprit or people that were going to be of harm to them. There was also trade with domestic and international trafficking by water. â€Å"Archaeology and Ecology show that imports included gold from Southern India or Afghanistan, copper from Rajasthan or Afghanistan or even farther afield, turquoise from Iran and etc. (Wheeler pg. 64)†. The Indus civilization had a polytheistic religion. The Indus people worshipped natural forces such as trees, animals, water, and mother goddess. These are also important in the Hindu religion. They believed that water had a purifying power. Many clay figurines of animals, women, and men were found. Sometime after 2000 B.C. the Aryans migrated into India from the northwest, it became dominant, but some of the Indus people and their religion ideas were absorbed into the Hinduism religion.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Online Banking System

1. Introduction Online banking is an internet based account management service that allows to view our account balances and transaction transfer funds between authorized accounts, initiate loan payments, request stop payments on checks, order personal checks, download transaction information into your computer communicate with the bank using e-mail, and can include bill payment services bill payment services. On-line storage refers to a file of information (like a file on â€Å"students† or † courses) that the computer and the user can access immediately. The computer, in other words, is directly connected to the file. A database is simply a collection of on-line files to which the user can gain access Tape storage of data is inexpensive and reliable. Computer tape stores data much like audiotape and videotape store pictures and music, namely, in sequential order using magnetic impression on a thin film. Disk storage involves using magnetic impressions on a thin steel disk. The advantage here is that the information does not need to be in sequential order and the user can gain access to any piece of information immediately. Transactions Immediate Input Immediate Processing Immediate File Update On-Line Processing Online processing, which is now common involves transactions and processing them immediately. On-line processing systems use disk storage, which permits immediate access to specific items of information. In on-line processing, transactions are keyed into the system immediately and the system responds immediately. The master file is updated continually. The online has revolutionized the computer and communications world like noting before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The online is at once a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. In this paper online several of us involved in the development and evolution of the share our views of its origins and history. This history revolves around four distinct aspects. There is the technological evolution that began with early research on packet switching and the Arpanet (and related technologies), and where current research continues to expand the horizons of the infrastructure along several dimensions such as scale, Performance and higher level functionality. There is the operations and management aspect of a global and complex operational infrastructure. There is the social aspect, which resulted in a broad community of Internets working together to create and evolve the technology. And there is the commercialization aspect, resulting in an Extremely effective transition of research results into a broadly deployed and available information infrastructure. The online today is a widespread information infrastructure the initial prototype of what is often called the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure. Its history is complex and involves many aspects-technological organizational and community. And its influence reaches not only to the technical fields of computer communications but throughout society as we move toward increasing use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition, and community operations. 2. Importance of the study The banking business has been in effect since the importance and need of finance and money as well transaction in business. We got the banking culture in a usual form within the relationship between customers and bankers. In course of time banking became the inevitable part of our daily necessities through out our state. Banking business always appears to fulfill the need and convenience of customers in home and abroad. Nowadays, the banking business refurbished itself in accordance with variation in customer's need and utilization. Accordingly a larger section of population is still unaware of Online Banking owing to many reasons and legitimate crises. Moreover, this Online banking culture is such a culture or trend, as people ought to know, considering the issue. We should go forward to work immensely in this area or field as though this trend or culture spreads and gets access to the realization of people in no time. The money embezzlement in a bank poses tense and threat to the belief of people on bank, that man be eradicated through updated, modem service ensured in change of traditional banking management, therefore, my research work regarding this banking culture might grow the confidence, eagerness to large extent. On the contrary, this study would let the people and students be familiarized and come to a close contact in behalf of this banking system. 3. Objectives of the study: The primary objective of the term paper is to find out a feasible solution for the banking System of Bangladesh using a nation-wide network. Implementing a nation-wide Electronic banking system requires huge investment especially for the establishment of a backbone network. It really matters for a country like ours. But fortunately we need not go for establishing the backbone network; instead the high-speed optical fiber network previously owned by Bangladesh Railway can be leased partially to meet the requirement. This work also finds some comparison study with the existing system and finally focuses on few what-if analyses. The comparison study has been founded upon some important financial services such as fund emote transferring, letter of credit (L/C), assuring foreign exchange rate etc. It mainly finds the economic benefits. The what-if analyses have been formed using some internal matrices for performance evolution. The main objective of the term paper is to gather knowledge about the online Banking system and find out the consistency and inconsistency. I also try to adjust with the gap to be competent at the modem job market. The areas on which I have tried to give emphasis are: ? Working environment has and should be established. Identify the problems and prospects of online banking and recommends their solution. ? Justify the present supportive facilities, which are given by online Banking ? Interaction between different place with-in Bangladesh ? To show the influence of environmental situation on online. 4. Methodology of the study: Term paper is conclusive as well as descriptive in nature. Necessary Statistical tools have been applied to carry out the assigned study Following methods have been used to accomplish this proposed solution: ?  ¬ Basic principles of existing banking system (Bangladesh) ? Study the major drawbacks of existing system by interviewing the current employees of different banks. Interviews are mostly taken through emails and in some cases through telephone and Internet chat. ?  ¬ Study the existing IT infrastructure of Bangladesh in context of Bank by interviewi ng the developer of different banking software vendors ?  ¬ Study the E-banking system from different resources that are available in different websites, books and online journals ?  ¬ Some of the what-if analysis has been used to measure performance of the proposed solution. 5. Limitations of the study I have tried out best to collect the maximum information from the internet and Banks but I faced some problems: 1. Banks didn't provide all necessary information for their business secrecy. 2. Collecting data and preparing report is very expensive. 3. Times are not sufficient for preparing a very good report. As a result, information presented on the report might not reflect the utmost entire reality. Few data, which are gathered from secondary sources, could not match with present situation, because there was no annual report from the company. . 0 Findings and Analysis: 6. 1 The initial online concepts: The original ARPANET grew into the online, online was based on the idea that there would be multiple independent networks of rather arbitrary design, beginning with the ARPANET as the pioneering packet switching network, but soon to include packet satellite networks ground based packet radio networks and other networks. The online as we now know it embodies a key underlying technical idea, namely that of open architecture networking. In this approach, the choice of any individual network technology was not dictated by particular network architecture but rather could be selected freely by a provider and made to interwar with the other networks though a meta-level â€Å"Internetworking Architecture† Up until that time there was only one general method for federating networks. This was the traditional circuit switching method where networks would interconnect at the circuit level passing individual bits on a synchronous basis along a portion of an end to end circuit between a pair of end locations. Recall that Klein rock had shown in 1961 that packet switching was a more efficient switching method. Along with packet switching special purpose interconnection arrangements between networks were another possibility. Which there were other limited ways to interconnect different networks, they required that one be used as a component of the other, rather than acting as a peer of the other in offering end to end service. In an open architecture network, the individual networks may e separately designed and developed and each may have its own unique interface which it may offer to users and/ or other providers, including other internet roviders. Each network can be designed in accordance with the specific environment and user requirements of that network. There are generally no constraints on the types of network that can be included or on their geographic scope, although certain pragmatic considerations will dictate what makes sense to offer. Basically online is making up by networkin g of all branches. Any customer can collect money or deposit any amount of money, any branch of this bank. So modern world, online banking is call easy banking online system has two parts: Internal online system. External online system. Internal online system is any customer can deposit money or collect money from any branches of this bank. And external online system is any customer can deposit money or collect money or even pay his any kind of bill by ATM card or credit card. Online banking system is a powerful banking system for any banking transaction. For set up an online system need a lot of money. So which bank has only two or three branches don't want to set up online system. Online banking is secure. Every online bank is so confident of its technology that they guarantee the confidentiality of any transaction on the internet. Electronic payment is so easy. Just follow the instructions as outlined in the easy guide to electronic bill paying as it takes through the process. Step-by step or visit their bill payment tutorial as new things come on-line, well announce in these new area. The customer can get to it from their name page or as the customer â€Å"exit† online banking. They also e-mail their customers when there are changes in their bank, who has online banking system, they also have own website. In this website they must have obtain of online. Any customer can take the benefit of online service from this website. Every online bank sends customer's last month transaction report at their home. So check this report, to see what’s cleared and what hasn't. Customer's â€Å"Account summary† will display whether a bill payment was rejected. Mobile banking is the modify color of online banking. Any customer can take the benefit of online banking by phone. Any customer can enjoy the fabulous features of online banking even when they away from the bank. Mobile banking is the smart choice for busy People on the move and if they are already on online banking customer. It's available at no additional cost. Mobile Banking with a palm handheld adds an exciting new dimension to online Banking. Now customer can enjoy all the ease, convenience, privacy and security of Online Banking through a handheld computer that fits neatly in customer purse or pocket it’s the financial Imagine the freedom and control of viewing customer financial picture any time of the day of night, in the privacy of customer's own surroundings. Check the balances of saving accounts, business banking accounts, lines of credit, or VISA' credit card accounts; †¢ Transfer funds between accounts. †¢ Check the balances and details of your loan and mortgage accounts †¢ Pay your bills, †¢ Obtain up-to- the minute account information. Online Banking is anywhere you have Internet access, so it's never been more convenient to manage your finances. With online banking you can quickly and easily solution of the future and its there right now system Check your account activity and balances. †¢ Transfer funds and receive and pay bills. †¢ Contribute to your RRSP and double up on your mortgage payments †¢ Plus so much more. l management Enjoy all this convenience and control within the safety, security and privacy of Online Banking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 6. 2 Service Provided by Online Bank Most of the online Banks have the equivalence in the services. Considering the services of banks given, we can show the view of services offered based on the following forms given bellow: Services available | |Basic (Most bank offer) |Advanced (some banks offer) | |Check account balances |Apply for loans | |Transfer funds among accounts |Download information about accounts | |Pay bills electronically |Trade stocks or mutual funds | | |View images of checks and deposit | 6. 3 Description of Online banking service Online Ban king Service is an electronic service provided via the Internet that permits customer authorized access to Access information about certain deposits and credit accounts for which customer are authorized to view information. †¢ Transfer funds between authorized accounts. †¢ Request and receive confirmation of stop payment on a check. †¢ Enter an order for customer personal checks according to check order information on file. †¢ Download transaction information to personal financial management software or spreadsheet. Communicate with the Bank using the online Banking E-mail Feature. The service is provided free to charge except for Online Bill Payment and stop payment orders. The Bank may offer additional services in the future, which will be subject to these terms and conditions as from time to time modified. Fees and charges for online Banking Services and Bill Payment will not be changed without at least 30 days prior notice and shall be charged to customer acc ount. The service is generally available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; however, the service may be unavailable from time to time for routine software and hardware maintenance or due to unscheduled down time. 6. 4 General terms and conditions Anyone agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend this bank from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, judgments, and expenses ( including court costs and reasonable fees of attorneys, accountants , and expert witnesses) at us sole expense, arising from us failure to abide by the restrictions on use of the Online Banking Services set forth herein. He agrees that the following uses of the Online Banking Services are strictly prohibited: †¢ Unauthorized communication of any account information to any other person or entity. †¢ Unauthorized communication of any information concerning any password or other online access number, code, or identification or any other proprietary information belonging to any other person or entity. Use of the Online Banking Services to copy or to distribute or transmit copies of copyrighted materials belonging to any other person or entity is permitted only to the extent that the owner has provided express permission to the user Permit ting such activity and the Bank has also approved such use in advance. Copying or Distributing or transmitting copyrighted materials other than with permission as specified above is expressly prohibited. †¢ Communicating any absence or defamatory information. †¢ Use of the Online Banking Services in violation of any telecommunication, postal, or other local laws or regulations of the user's †¢ Any use of the Online banking services for any purpose other than conducting banking business pertaining to us account (s) with regarding Bank. 6. 5 Limitations and liabilities The Bank and its suppliers make no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the Online Banking Services, whether express or implied including but not limited to merchantability or fitness for particular purpose and neither the Bank nor the Bank's suppliers nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the Online Banking Services assumes any responsibilities with respect to his use thereof. No oral or written information or advice given by the Bank, the Bank's suppliers or any of the Bank’s agents or employees shall create or increase the scope of a warranty or in any way decrease this limitation and he may not rely on any such information or advice. He explicitly agree that any liability of regarding Bank arising from the provision of Online Banking Services is limited to the fee he paid the Bank for the transaction which gave rise to the alleged liability. He expressly waive any claims for additional consequential, incidental, compensatory or punitive damages and agree that the damage provisions set forth herein are commercially reasonable in light of the value of such Online Banking Services (including the possibility that the fees he paid hereunder may not be sufficient to fully compensate for all losses, but such fees are in an amount as to make it unfeasible for us to be responsible for greater damages). Any cause of action concerning the online banking services or online bill payment services under the agreement must be commenced within one year after such cause of action has occurred and be filled the circuit Court of the sate of Oregon for Baker country. 6. 6 How does online banking work? Online banking offers many chances for consumers to do certain transactions over the Internet. They allow them to use online features, which are available on the web such as checking their account balance and other types of transactions. To use Internet features, consumers have to log in and type their account number with the password. This will enable them to view all the information they need of their accounts and by clicking on the type of transaction, they want. In addition to that, most online banks provide a proper privacy of the information related to consumers and maintains security aspects. There are many services that can be presented by the banks over the Internet instead of viewing accounts for consumers around the world. Paying bills electrically is also one of the most effective features of online banking. Consumers do not need to wait until receiving mails of bills if they use the electronic way of payments. More over, online banking can serve their customers with transferring their money between accounts, which could be as a real transaction in dealing with traditional banks. They also can contact their branches over the net by sending emails if they face any problem or ask for farther information. Architecturally, bank may design its Online Banking system in two ways: Central Server System Distributed Server System Considering the facts of telecommunication infrastructure, distributed system is preferred solution. So that, one branch can do its transaction and customers can get service even if the communication is disrupted. The foreign banks in our country use central Server concept. In these systems, all the branches log in the central server and perform transactions. Solid communication line is required for central server system. If the line is down, transaction hamper2. 4 Critical evaluation of online banking. 6. 6. 1 Bill payment services This applies to all checking accounts for which Online Bill Payment Service has been requested. He authorize regarding Bank to transfer funds in accordance with his payment request. Payment (s) will be deducted from his checking account and transferred to a designated vendor/merchant account based on the electronic instructions he authorize. The Bank will execute his request when instructed by him or his authorized representative, subject to the terms of this agreement and applicable disclosures. Consumer funds transfers are also subject to the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA). 6. 6. 2 Security procedures The Bank's financial standard security procedures are to request one’s online banking users ID code and password. User may change his/her password at anytime while online. He agrees that any use of the Online banking services indicates his acceptance of the Bank's security procedures. He agree that any request acted upon in good faith by the Bank in compliance with these security procedures whether or not authorized by him, shall be treated as his authorized request whether he paying his bills with Online Banking trading stocks with Action Direct Net Action or submitting a credit card application online, regarding bank financial group members have gone to great lengths to ensure your confidentiality and security. They use several layers of robust security methods including encryption, firewall and timed long outs among others to ensure his personal and financial information are kept private and confidential. With respect to his Online banking sessions, as an extra measure of security, confirmation numbers are issued with every transaction. To protect his password and online Banking session, they employ state of the art encryption technology. Encryption is presently the most effective way to achieve data security. That is why your browser must be compatible with 128-bit encryption in order to access Online Banking. Client privacy is an important issued both to him and to them regarding Bank is committed to respecting the confidentiality of them customer’s personal business and information. 6. 6. 3 Recording and records The user authorizes the Bank to record electronic transmissions between the Bank and him or any person acting on his behalf, to keep those records as long as we consider it necessary. If the bank records about a payment are different than the users records, recordings, including, but not limited to any payment instructions received by the bank. 6. 6. 4 Methods used to make the funds transferred The Bank may select any means for the transmission of funds which we consider suitable, including but not limited to Automated Clearing House (ACH). You should anticipate that payments made by ACH might take up to 4 days to be credited; other payments may take up to 10 days to be credited. The Bank is not responsible for performance failure as a result of a delay or interruption in transfer facilities, labor disputes, power failures, equipment malfunctions, suspension of payment by another bank or payee, refusal or delay by another bank or payee to accept the funds transfer, war , emergency conditions, fire , earthquake, or other circumstances not within our control. These difficulties may extend the time when payments are credited. 6. 6. 5 Incorrect instruction He agree that he are solely responsible for giving them correct instructions with regard to the account his wish debited, the time of payment, the amount of the payment and the correct payee. He furthermore agree that his obligation to pay the Bank the amount of the payment made on his behalf is not excused by his failure to give us accurate or proper instructions. He agrees that the Bank will not be responsible for any delay arising out of our attempt to obtain correct instructions. 6. 6. 6 Receipt, acknowledgement and execution of request by bank Payment request are considered received by the Bank after providing he with a confirmation number for his payments (s) and his payment (s) have been confirmed as correct by him at the end of the Online Bill Payment session. The Bank must have a certain amount of notice before paying a bill. In order to execute his order to pay a bill on the same day the request is received, the Bank must have the request before 12:00 noon, Pacific Time, of that day. If the request to pay a bill is received after 12:00 noon, Pacific Time, the request will not be made until the next banking day. 6. 6. 7 Payment of bank When the Bank makes him requested payment he authorized the Bank to automatically and immediately deduct form his checking account the amount of the payment. He also agrees that the Online Bill payment transaction fee will be automatically deducted from his account on a monthly basis. 6. 6. 8 Rejection of payment The Bank has a right to reject his request for a payment for reasons including but not limited to: insufficient funds or uncollected funds in the amount specified in his request; the Bank's inability to execute the funds transfer for the reasons set out above titled Method Used to Make the Funds Transfer or incorrect or incomplete instructions given by you. He recognizes that the payee may be advised of the reason a payment is reject. 6. 6. 9 Cancellation or amendment of payment If the Bank has received his payment request and he later decides he you want to cancel or amend that payment, he may be able to revise his payment transfer instructions. He will not be able to cancel or amend his bill payment request if it has already been executed by the Bank. The Bank shall have no liability if such cancellation or amendment is not effected, and he agree to indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from any and all liabilities, costs and expenses (including court costs and reasonable fees for attorneys, accountants, and expert witnesses) the Bank may incur in attempting to cancel or amend the payment. 6. 6. 10 Confirmation of payment execution and account statement All payee payments executed will appear on his monthly checking account statement. He should review his statement, or other notice, for any discrepancies in connection with his payments. If he thinks a payment was made incorrectly form his checking account. He must contact Pioneer Bank in writing upon discovery of the error or within 60 days after he receive the first statement or notice which has the discrepancy, whichever is earlier. Failure to do so will reliever the Bank of any obligation to compensate you for his losses and expenses directly related to the erroneous payment. 6. 6. 11 Duty of reasonable care The Bank shall exercise good faith and reasonable care in processing his payments. He shall similarly exercise good faith and reasonable care in observing and maintaining security procedures, in communicating payment requests to the Bank, and in reviewing Bank statements for any discrepancies. The Bank will use reasonable efforts in attempting to cause creditors to reverse any service fee or late charge, which is related to payment processing error or delay. He also understand that the Bank will not be responsible for any loss or penalty that he may incur due to lack of sufficient funds or other conditions that may prevent the withdrawal of funds from his account or cause delays of errors in his payments. He understand that the Bank will not honor any request to pay when there are not sufficient funds available for withdrawal of funds form his account or cause delays or errors in his payments. He understands that the Bank will not honor any request to pay when there are not sufficient funds available in his account. The Bank's rules on when deposited funds are available for withdrawal are outlined in the information he received when opening your accounts (s). 6. 6. 12 Limitation of liability He explicitly agree that any liability of regarding Bank arising from the provision of Online Bill Payment Services is limited to the fee he paid the Bank for the transaction which gave rise to the alleged liability. He expressly waive any claims for additional, consequential, incidental, compensatory, or punitive damages and agree that the damage provisions set forth herein are commercially reasonable in light of the value of such Online bill Payment Services (including the possibility that the fees you paid hereunder may not be sufficient to fully compensate for all losses, but such fees are in an amount as to make it unfeasible for the Bank to be responsible for greater damages) 6. 7. Features of online banking The features available from an on-line bank account are similar to those which are avail able via ‘phone banking or visiting the local branch. on-line banking features do differ between the banks, but usually include: 6. 8 The major principles are: 6. 8. 1 Online Bank ing Principles Supplement to consumers Union policy on Electronic money and Banking security: 1. Providers of on-line financial services should provide sites that are secure. Secure sites should include the most effective existing protections such as passwords and encryption, and should be routinely reviewed and updated to ensure that new security features are added as they are developed. 2. Financial services providers should be vigilant to expose imposters using their names or similar names to include consumers to reveal personal financial information. 3 . Federal and state regulations should carefully scrutinize the operating practices, security and solvency standards, and privacy policies of both on-line providers of financial services and of third-party providers, contractors and subcontractors. 4. Financial services entities should take responsibility to make the consumer whole for losses from computer crime not caused by the consumer; for security breaches; for failures and losses caused by third parties selected by the financial services entity or by its subcontractors; and for losses contributed to by the financial institution's sharing of customer data internally, with an affiliate, or with a third party. 5. Providers of on-line financial services should accept the responsibility to try to prevent, detect, and eradicate viruses and other security breaches. Viruses sometimes cannot be prevented, but some on-line banking contractors offered today attempt to eliminate all responsibility on the provider even to try to do so. Because a consumer's ability to access funds needed for daily living can be affected by viruses and other security breaches, on-line financial services providers should accept more responsibility than is commonly accepted by web site providers of lower cost, less financially sensitive products. 6. Banks should take affirmative steps to make on-line banking services available in neighborhoods where access to on-line services is low. This may include providing access and training in community centers, housing projects, and urban high schools, as well as other creative approaches. 7. On-line banking channels should not replace other channels that permit in-person activity unless and until there is clear evidence that all demographic groups (including age and income groups) are in fact bearing equally well served by on- line banking as by other bank channels, including brick and mortar branches. 8. Banks who provide special offers to internet customers must also have an effective method to make those offers available to customers without access to the internet. 9. Access to on-line banking services should not be tied to the purchase of another product or service, or to high minimum balance requirements. 10 . Banks and insured financial service providers who accept deposits nationally should not restrict their Community Reinvestment Act areas to the physical location of their home offices. 11. Banks and other providers of on-line financial services should protect and respect consumers' financial privacy. Information about account numbers, account balances, transaction patterns, specific transactions or similar information should never be provided to third parties, affiliates or internal divisions without the express permission of the customer. Material used to check permission should desirable all of the types of information that might be shared and with whom the information might be shared. 12. Banks who use an opt-out method should provide a means to exercise the opt-out directly through the sign-up process, in addition to providing a phone numbers or other methods. The customer who knows he or she wishes to opt-out at the time of signing up for on-line banking should not have to take a separate step to do so. If opt-out is used, it must include the opportunity to opt-out from information sharing among both affiliates and internal bank departments, as well as with third parties. 13. Financial services providers should not condition the provision of on-line services upon consent to share financial information with an internal division, affiliate, or third party, except to the extent that the internal sharing of such information id both necessary for the provision of the service and fully disclosed to the consumer. 14 Financial services sites should never store information about the consumer in any location where it can be accessed by a third party. On-line financial services providers should fully disclose the nature and purpose of any electronic markets they propose to place in the consumer's system, secure the consumer's consent to place those markets, and permit the consumer to decline to accept such markets. 15. Banks and others offering uninsured on-line financial services should prominently and effectively disclose which services, accounts, or products are not insured by the FDIC. At a minimum, insured and uninsured products should not be offered on the same screen. When linking from an insured to an uninsured product screen, special care must be taken to identify the uninsured nature of the products offered through the link. Providers should test their customer base to evaluate the effectiveness of these disclosers. Regulators should actively enforce these requirements, and should conduct their own tests to evaluate the effectiveness of disclosers. 16. Banks and other FDIC-insured entities should never permit their names to be used by or licensed to uninsured entities, nor to be used by any third party in a fashion that creates an impression that a communication from the third party is from the Bank. 17. Increases in fees and changes in material terms should be accompanied by at least 30 days advance notice. The notice should be sent by a means calculated to actually communicate the information to the customer. Posting information on the bank's web site about new fees or changes in material terms is not sufficient. 18. Providers of on-line financial services should make their contracts available before the customer must give personal financial information and should make those agreements available in a form which the customer can download, print, and retain in a manner that shows what the agreement was when the consumer entered into it. 19. On-line bill payment services, whether or not associated with on-line banking, should clearly disclose on the screen which is used to schedule the payment the date and time that the payment will be sent and whether the payment will be sent electronically or by ordinary mail. 20. On-line financial services providers should use the power of the electronic environment to facilitate more effective consumer discloser and education. 21. On-line banking services should meet the consumer protection and other statutory requirements and restrictions of the consumer's home state. 22. Disputes arising from on-line banking and bill payment should be resolved promptly, and should be at least as prompt as the voluntary time frame of not more than five business days to re-credit disputed funds which have been developed for debit cards. 23. If an arbitration clause is used, it should permit the consumer to choose whether to agree to arbitration after the dispute arises, and should provide fair, cost-effective procedures for the consumer. 24. On-line bill payment services should not impose an earlier time for stop payments than the time the payment could be stopped if it were made by check. 25. Financial services providers who use electronic mail to communicate with their customers should provide two-way 26. Customers wishing to close their accounts should be able to do so with an instantaneous electronic transfer of funds to another designated account 27. On-line banking contracts contain to provision presuming that a consumer is in receipt of information simply because the bank has sent or posted met information. 6. 9 Types of online banking: The common assumption is that Internet banking is the only method of online banking. However, this is not strictly the case, as several types of services are currently available: PC Banking- The forerunner to Internet banking has been around since the late 1980's and is still widely used today. Individual banks provide software which is loaded on to an SME's office computer. The SME can then access their bank account via a modem and telephone link to the bank. Access is not necessarily via the Internet. Internet Banking- Using a Web browser, a user can access their account, once the bank's application server has validated the user's identity. Digital TV Banking- Using the standard digital reception equipment (set top box and remote control); users can access their bank account. Abbey national and HSBC services are available via digital TV providers. One of its main selling points is that no account details are transmitted via the World Wide Web. Text phone Banking- HSBC has introduced this service to allow customers with text phones to check their balance, pay bills and transfer money. Internet banking can be split into two distinct groups: Traditional banks and building societies use the internet as an add-on service with which to give businesses access to their accounts. 6. 10 Critical evaluation of online banking 6. 10. 1 Advantages of Online Banking For consumers ? The privacy of customers. ? Online services are available for consumers 24 hours daily during the whole week. ? Customers might save time and efforts of doing their finance transactions. ? It will be easy for them to view all information they need clearly and simply. ? Searching of any branch of a bank will be accessibly by online users. For Banks ? One way of attracting more customers is to use their services. Increasing the bank's reputation around the world is well known by many people. ? It doesn't need to employ lots of suffer or bankers to deal with customers directly. ? Banks can deal simply with their branches all over the world with one network. 6. 10. 2 Disadvantages of Online Banking For c onsumers ? Some people feel uncomfortable to provide their passwords or any kind of information about their funds over the internet. ? Some websites might be difficult for consumers for the first time to check their finance. ? It is possible for banks to update their websites, which needs from consumers to type in again their data. ? It is necessary to have knowledge and skills on using the Internet. For Banks Banks may require big amount of money to establish a website with attractive features. ? They may lose their information if the network broke with other branches. ? Hacking and viruses will cause problems for online banking, which could broke and damage the information or 6. 11 Channels of Online Banking There are so many channels of online banking to get the online operation accomplished within a few branches of a bank in banking sector. 1. Wide area network (WAN): 2. WAN by radio link (Communication using Radio Frequency): By introducing Radio Link communication network WAN can be set up between Head office and branch office. It is a point-to-point communication network, which uses radio frequency. Radio frequency of that particular bandwidth should take the approval from Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB). WAN through Radio linking provides 11 mbps bandwidth. 3. WAN by V-set (Very small Aperture Terminal): Online communication between two single nodes VSAT can be installed. For this, a fixed amount of fees is to be paid to the satellite company for renting bandwidth each year. 4. WAN by optical fiber backbone line: â€Å"WAN† can be set up by installing a switch consisting 72 Fiber Optic port at the place of Main Server that can make a connection directly with the Commercial Bank's Head Office server by putting the Optic Fiber Line but this is very difficult and expansive. Data can be transferred and received through a continuous speed. It costs near about TK. 90 million that is lower than the VSAT connection. 5. WAN by T&T leased line: These are simple copper wire leased lines provided by T&T. These connections are the most cost effective solution and provide sufficient data transmission speed up to 19. 2 kilobytes (kbps). 6. 12 The major types of business models are: |Brokerage |Advertising | |Infomediary |Merchant | |Manufacturer |Affiliate | |Community |Utility | Each type of those business models has individual way to be used by any business. For example. Brokerage model depends on helping both sellers and buyers with their transitions. Brokers charge for fees of doing transactions depending on the value of business. This model can be business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) and consumer-to-business (C2B). Advertising is another kind of business models that operates with web advertising such as creating banners of the business. Infomediary model is used by a business interested in having information about consumers and products. Online banking follows the merchant type as a business model to generate its revenue. They sell services and products such as loans, credit cards and other facilities against gaining charges and interests or commissions. It seems to be similar as traditional banks with its business model of operating their income but with electronic services it could be more simple and faster than traditional methods. This kind of model can be business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). This means that online banks can provide and help consumers with loans, paying bills, opening accounts, credit cards and other services. Furthermore, online banking can offer certain services for businesses with the loans that invested in such projects . 13. Current Banking Security System Security is a vital issue for all financial institutions. Banks that provide services to customer must ensure security so those customers are satisfied about bank. In a sense, bank is a business organization so it is also their responsibility to maintain everything securely. Banks also maintain lockers for safekeeping the most important valuable assets of customers. To serve that purpose, bank takes some rent from customer; the same rule exists for safekeeping money, which will be also discussed in this chapter. To ensure the E-banking, there are some security principles that have to be provided by Banks. Because there are many transactions occurring in electronic media, so without securing the banking activities banks cannot run. Security principles are: 01. Authentication Authentication is the process by which two parties involved in a dialogue are given a guarantee that they are indeed interacting with whom they think they are interacting. Authentication might be from both sides- server authentication and client authentication. 02. Confidentiality Confidentiality deals with protecting the contents of message or data transmitted over the Internet from unauthorized people. For example, one wants to protect his/her credit card information when he/she purchases over the Internet. 03. Integrity Data integrity is related to preventing data from being modified by an attacker. For Instance, only the credit card number is protected while the contents of the order (online) are not. Then, the attacker could potentially modify your order while it is being transmitted over the network by adding or deleting contents from the order or even changing the delivery address. 04. Availability It is also important to guarantee that authentic users of an e-banking site expect to get his service when he needs it. Sometimes an attacker might set up a program that continuously attempts to be authenticated by the bank. But the authentication will repeatedly fail. However, attacker would occupy precious resources of the site. These resources become unavailable to the legitimate customers of the bank. 05. Non-repudiation Non-repudiation is an attribute of secure systems that prevents the sender of a message from denying having sent it. This might very costly for e-businesses such as online trading which want to ensure that a customer will not be able to deny having requested to buy or sell securities. 7. 0 Online Banking in Bangladesh Foreign Banks: 7. 1 HSBC in Bangladesh The HSBC Asia Pacific group represents HSBC in Bangladesh. HSBC opened its first branch in Dhaka on 17th December 1996, to provide personal banking services, trade and corporate services, and custody services. Through a lobal network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal, commercial, corporate, investment and private banking; trade services; cash management; treasury and capital markets services; insurance; consumer and busines s finance; pension and investment fund management; trustee services; and securities and custody services. HSBC is fully on line banking & without any hesitation I can say one thing that they are providing best services for the customers rather than the other foreign banks. Hexagon: Hexagon is an electronic Banking system through which HSBC group customers have access to information about their relationship with the group and may transact their business. The HSBC group recognizes that in order to maintain and enhance its position as a global financial service organization, it must continue to provide and promote a sophisticated global electronic banking system to both existing and new group customers. Hexagon may be used by small and medium sized businesses, large corporate, institute high net worth individuals and retail customers. The HSBC group is committed to the success and Hexagon and has allocated significant TSV and business resources to its development, management and marketing. Hexagon is run from three electronic banking computers (EBCs) is Hong Kong (HK), Buffalo (US) and Great Britain (UK), with links to group systems such as HUB and TREATS. The main features of Hexagon The products and services offered by hexagon to customer include: |Current account information |(CA) CA A1 | |Saving account information |(SA) SA A1 | |Loan account information |(LN) LN AI | |Credit care information |(CC) CC A1 | |Funds transfers (PA and TR) |PA/TR Payments | |Transfers Foreign exchange (FX) |FX A1 | |Time deposits (TD) |TD A1 | |Trade services | | |Imports and exports |IM/EX Report writer | |Documentary credits |DC import | The main benefits of Hexagon Hexagon gives customers direct access to there account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from any where in the world. Benefits for customer include ? Increase in business efficiency ? Flexibility- the system may be tailored to the needs or particular customers; ? Easy to use, training is simple and no sophisticated equipment is required. 7. 2 Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank’s online banking service is known as â€Å"I-Banking†. I-Banking offer the convenience of managing and controlling ones banking and finances – whenever he wants to, wherever it’s needed. I-Banking is convenient, simple and secure. I-Banking: Standard Chartered Bank’s I-Banking facility is simple and secure and it’s absolutely free of charge! With I-Banking, one can access any of the basic banking services he requires, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a years. I-Banking offers the following range of online service. Which makes the client’s banking accessible anytime and from anywhere. I-Banking includes the following services. ? Account services ? Fund transfers ? Payments ? Card services. ? Personal update Private Banks: 7. 3 Eastern Bank Ltd. Online Banking: Flex [email  protected] is the Internet banking solution that delivers the Corporate, Consumer and Investment Banking products to bank’s customers over the net. EBL’s Internet Banking module is a secure, robust and extensible web banking solution. It is anchored on a reusable component framework that complies with industry standards. Customers will be able to transfer funds, inquired balance, and request for chequebook, pay utility bills on-line etc. Internet Banking: EBL Internet banking application addresses the needs of small, individual and corporate account holders of the bank. This application provides a comprehensive range of banking services that enable the customer to meet most of their banking requirements over the net. List of Transactions: 1. Account Operations and Inquiries 2. Fund Transfers and Payments 3. Utility Bill payment 4. Deposits 5. Loans 6. Inquires and other services 7. Session Summary Deposits: ? Maintain deposits ? Request for rollover of deposits ? Request for premature closure of deposits Loans: ? Loan application requests ? Initiate part of full payment of loan ? View schedules of loan payments Inquiries and other services: ? Interest Rates inquiry ? Foreign Exchange Rates Inquiry ? Messages & Bulletins ? Internet Banking ? Product information ? Change password EBL with new ICT Infrastructure features: Essentially, EBL was not in a well-connected situation. Data communication was limited to secluded offices in a very limited fashion. EBL now is a different scenario. EBL HO is now connected with the branches all around Bangladesh. Here is a breakdown of what the data communication infrastructure looks like today: ? High Speed DDN and Radio Link connectivity between Branches and the Head Office ? Local Area Network (LAN)- providing data network connectivity at the Head Office and the Branches. ? Metropolitan Are Network (MAN)- connecting the DHK branches with HO, CTG branches with Agrabad and SYL branches with Chouhatta. ? Wide Area Network (WAN)- enabling the data network circle between Head Office and the Branches. ? Solid foundation over data and network security implementation. EBL Banking Benefits: Flex cube banking software automated in all branches of EBL has the adaptability for incorporating the delivery channels like, Internet Banking, Tele-Banking, ATM/POS, Home Banking, Wireless Access Protocol, Call Centre are all superb services which a customer can avail in due course. EBL’s repertoire of hardware is highly sophisticated; as no other banks in Bangladesh have availed this are recent times. The combination of hardware will help consolidate the backbone for the plethora of services provided to the customers by the Bank for the years to come. Moreover, EBL, country wish bade farewell to the lackluster range of hardware, which were in use over the year. ? Anywhere 24 hours ( 7 days banking ? Internet banking, Tele banking and ATM/POS ? One Stop Shop for all you banking need. ? Significantly reduced time in banking transactions Sophisticated customer information at the fingertips and can be provided anytime. ? Online Inter-branch Transfer ? Any Branch pay order Syste m ? Digital Signature/photo image while transacting ? Display Customers Balance, Transactions, and Statements online. ? Automatic Sweep in & out ? Locker Service Availability ? EBL 5 to 9 Extended Service ? Bill payment o Utility Service Bill o Tuition Fees o Mobile Phone Bills ? Versatile Products availability ? Fast Cash ? Fast Loan ? Auto Loan ? Consumer Loans ? High Performance Account ? Savings Insurance Account ? Monthly Income Plan ? Monthly Deposit Plan. Visa Electronic online debit card EBL Introduces the Visa Electron online debit card: Unique Features: 1. With EBL via Electron you can now draw cash from the Q-cash ATM network, 24 hours a day through out the year. No need to carry excess cash in you wallet. Your card is electronically linked to your EBL account. 2. EBL Visa Electron is also accepted at Visa merchants with Electronic P. O. S Visa Symbol, where you can pay for merchandise and services. 3. Acceptance- hassle free acceptance at network of Q-cash ATMs currently 10 and to be expanded up to 50 by July 204 and approximately 100 POS deployed in major cities. 4. Photo card- Displays your photo & signature on front of your card for enhanced security. 7. 4 Prime Bank Ltd. Online Branch Banking (Any Branch Banking) The Bank has set up a Wide Area Network (WAN) across the country to provide online branch banking facility to its valued clients. Under the Scheme, clients of any branch shall be able to do banking transaction at other branches of the bank. Under this system a client will to be able to do following type of transactions: ? Cash withdrawal from his/her account at any branch of the Bank irrespective or location. ? Cash deposit in/he account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. ? Cash deposit in other’s account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. ? Transfer of money from his/her account with any branch of the Bank. Any amount can be deposited or transferred under Prime Line. In the system, however, at present there is a limit for cash withdrawal through bearer or by account holder himself. Online Branch Banking Service: Is designed to serve its valued clients. Under this system, you shall be able to do the following type of transactions: ? Cash withdrawal from you account at any branch of the Bank. ? Deposit in you account at any Branch of the Bank. ? Transfer of money from you account to any other account with any Branch of the Bank. One Stop Utility Service Scheme Like any other country of the world, the people living in the urban areas of our country lead a very busy life. Time is very valuable to them. Despite this, they are to waste their valuable time at the counter of different Banks and other Institutions for payment of their monthly bills of different utility services like Electricity, Telephone, Water, and Gas etc. They, as such, face enormous difficulties for payment of their monthly bills in time. Such inconveniences of the urban people can be removed by making a management to collect all the bills of various utility services at One Point. Scope of Services: With this end in View, Prime Bank Limited has introduced a scheme entitle â€Å"One Stop Utility Services Scheme†. The scheme is designed to provide all the required services to the customer in making payment of their following bills on their behalf from the counter of the Bank: ? To pay Electricity Bills ? Cash deposit in his/her account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. Cash deposit in other’s account at any branch of the Bank irrespective of location. ? Transfer of money from his/her a ccount with any branch of the Bank. ? Any amount can be deposited or transferred under Prime Line. In the system, however, at present there is a limit for cash withdrawal through bearer or by account holder himself. Main features of Master Card Credit: ? Prime bank ensure high level of security by inserting your photograph on the card. ? 20 to 50 day’s credit from the data of transaction. When you receive you monthly statement, you can either choose to pay in full or just minimum due amount shown on the statement. No interest in charged if you pay in full within payment due date. 24 hours a day, 365 days world wide service. ? No joining/administrative fees. ? Waiver of annual fees for International Card: If you accumulate 20,000 Prime Bank Bonus Point for you Gold Card or 10,000 Bonus Point for you Silver Card in a year then you enjoy our Card without fees ($1 purchase: 1 Bonus). ? Waiver of annual fee for Local Card: If you accumulate 10,000 Prime Bank Bonus Point for you Go ld Card or 8,000 Bonus Point for you Silver Card in a year then you enjoy our Card without fees (Tk. 50/- purchase: 1 Bonus Point). ? The Highest Prime Bank Bonus Point holder can enjoy free air ticket Dhaka-Bankok-Dhka. (Business Class) ? Cash advance facilities. 1, 39, 00,000 locations accept Master Card worldwide. Facilities available wide the card: The card can be used for: a. Making payments to Merchants against purchase of all goods and services by the Cardholder from Merchant(s); and b. Availing Cash Advances: i. From any of PBL Branches or any member of Master Card of any Merchant authorized to make Cash Advances; as may be agreed upon by PBL or ii. By the use of the Card on any ATM of PBL or of Master Card. Subject to these terms and conditions and in compliance with such requirements, PBL, any Merchant or Master card may impose limitations and procedures as from time to time. 8. Role of Government This is particularly important for countries like Bangladesh where very little has been done in development these technologies and skills to promote and support online banking. The government can take the following policies to promote online banking in our country: 1. The intergovernmental agreement for harmonizing the rules and regulations that can help in smooth transformation of the world economy and expansion of a unified world market. 2. The regulations should simply foster competition, protect intellectual property and privacy, and prevent fraud to do businesses under whatever terms they agree upon. An international uniform commercial code is needed to simplify and encourage electronic commerce under consistent rules and rights. 3. Govt. an undertake perfect initiatives to construct feasible, platform of information technology within affordable capacity. Financial allocation should be more widen for global standard banking technology. 4. Adequate number of bank employee will ha ve both computer and banking aptitude and cognizance, suitable in the banking perspective to improve the banking sector. 5. â€Å"Tele-communication† sector is pre-conditions to make fastest online banking services. Unfortunately a tale-communication service of govt. is yet to reach to remote and rural area. 6. Frequent inflow of information technology in the shape of broad band internet access, sub-marine optical fiber utility processed, might be patronized by govt. apidly to step ahead in respect to information technology for enhancement of blessing of on line banking. As well, this linkage of internet service will be encouraging for implementation of online banking in Bangladesh. 7. A project of â€Å"software development† should be under process to continue the function of banking software and expertise of banking network. Thus, banks and bankers enjoy creating creditable, demanding and world standard services for the shake of greater interest of nation and economy . 9. Conclusion The main objective of this term paper was to come up with a feasible proposal for implementing nationwide E-banking as well as ensure security. To ensure security we proposed some of the security features that need to be implemented in various levels of the proposed infrastructure like application level security, IP level security, user level authentication as well as employee level authentication as it is very much needed to keep track who is responsible for transferring money from one account to another account. We have analyzed the problems of existing system and shown that our proposed system can overcome most of the existing problems: Currently in our country accessing and transferring fund from remote area is a difficult and time-consuming task. Naturally it now takes 3 to 25 days. The key point is to note that the fund to be transferred is kept idle for the delay period. The proposed framework very clearly shows that it is a huge loss of money when considered collectively. So, it gains a remarkable save both for the customers and banks. Letter of Credit (L/C) is an important service of a bank. It is directly involved in foreign trade. The more efficient and cost-effective the L/C operation is the better opportunity comes for foreign trade affairs which is a prime factor to escalate the national economy. Basically an L/C operation comprises of a number of sequential steps. Information Passing required for an L/C operation is now done by foreign courier services like DHL, FedEx etc. It requires much time compared with the electronic transaction. Moreover, an amount of TK 1000/= (on an average) is spent per L/C. Proposed online transaction system cuts down this charges almost to zero. It contributes a lot when a large number of L/C is considered (i. e. total no. Of L/C of a branch in a year). At the same time due to reduced processing time it increases the no. of L/C transaction. It is very frustrating to note that now few banks deceives the Central Bank by giving a wrong calculation of its total deposit. So, they deposit less money as CCR to the Central Bank. In our proposed infrastructure, the Central Bank is given the supreme mandate for any required information from any bank at any time without delay. It removes the risk of escaping or misleading the deposit of proper CCR amount. As a result Bangladesh Bank would be properly benefited. CIB (Credit Information Bureau) generation is another important factor especially for inland trading loan. Currently the process of CIB report generation is very complicated and time-consuming. Proposed system maintains an integrated database with his past transactions record. So it becomes a matter of few clicks and prints to generate CIB report. Besides faster computation it also assures that the information is authentic and updated. Another important factor for banking services is updating foreign exchange rate. Now each day the Central Bank announces the rates. Each bank gets information on an interval of 30 minutes. It ensures some sort of unexpected loss/profit for both banks and customers. The suggested system maintains a complete connectivity among all banks so the foreign exchange rate is always updated at each bank. 10. Recommendations As this research-based study on the â€Å"Online banking† lets me a provision to come to the closest contract of the original plot of this banking system. There are some recommendations to improvise the On-line banking in our country. 1) Autonomous Banking culture, reducing dependence on manual service, should be in abundance irrespective of govt. and non-Govt. rganization in association with ‘SWIFT’ to bring about the whole banking service for massive well being of people. 2) The report of taskforce with the title of â€Å"Banking sector reform† committee with 21 major clauses on score of extinction of horrendous and problem some context that usurps our banking sector, has elaborately expressed the imminent enactment of suggestions of taskforce for the be

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Barilla Spa (a)

BARILLA SpA (A) Table of Contents Part One: Executive Summary3 Part Two: Immediate Issue4 Part Three: Systemic Issues4 Part Four: Qualitative Analysis5 Part Five: Alternatives6 Part Six: Recommendation8 Part Seven: Recommendations Implementation Plan9 Part Eight: Monitor and Control10 Part One: Executive Summary In order to respond to extreme demand variability and incidents of high stock out rates Barilla is currently applying pressure to both its’ manufacturing and logistics departments to restock distribution centres as quickly as possible. This is resulting in high distribution costs and a reduction in overall profits.In the long term I am recommending that Barilla SpA implement a Just in Time Distribution (JITD) system to reduce excess inventory and eliminate stock outs at the distributor to market level of the distribution chain. The new system will include a forecasting and planning system based on information provided by the distributors on a day-to-day basis. The JITD will reduce inventory to acceptable levels and will reduce inventory carrying cots. It will also flatten demand resulting in cost savings at the manufacturing and shipping levels. It will also provide an opportunity for new sales promotion types and levels.Initially the new system will be implemented on a trial basis and at the end of the trial with successful performance indicated; the system will be presented to internal departments as well as distributors. This report will be used as a basis for discussion in our production meeting at the end of the week. Giorgio Maggiali Director of Logistics Barilla SpA (A) December 4, 2012 Part Two: Immediate Issue Barilla SpA is experiencing difficulty in the manufacturing and logistics sectors of their operation because of an extreme variability in demand of their pasta products.Though demand for pasta in Italy is flat Barilla has been experiencing sudden spikes in demand for varying types of pasta from different areas. Because of rigid man ufacturing requirements and lengthy lead times from placement of order to delivery, stock outs have been experienced between the distributors and retail stores. Part Three: Systemic Issues Sales Operations: Nature: Tactical Timing: Short Term Distributors are encouraged to purchase product based on discounts rather than product demand at their customer’s locations.The sales representatives are given specific sales targets to meet and are conceivably focusing on the discounted products because they are an easier sell to the distributors. Distribution: Nature: Tactical Timing: Short Term and Long Term Lead time from placement of order to delivery ranges anywhere from eight days to fourteen days, though the average is ten calendar days. This includes production and shipment of the product. Most distributors do not rely on forecasting systems to place their orders; they simply count stock on a cycle and place orders to refill to the previous level.There is no analysis based on pr oduct type, time of year etc. Stock outs are happening between the distributors and the stores; the lead time to fill the product gap is too long. Manufacturing Process: Nature: Strategic Timing: Short Term and Long Term The pasta production process (particular sizes and types of pasta require fixed heat and humidity settings in the kiln) makes it difficult to replace a specific type of pasta that has sold out at a vendor’s store because of unusually high demand. The production process cannot be changed or sped up without risking a decline in quality of the product. Part Four: Qualitative AnalysisBarilla SpA is the largest pasta producer in the world. They offer both dry and fresh pasta as well as a variety of other products including cookies, cakes and breads. Currently, the demand for pasta in Italy is flat with only an approximate increase in demand of 1% per year. Barilla competes with other pasta providers (approximately 2,000) by utilizing innovative advertising techniq ues and by using high quality raw materials in their products. In order to compete in the Italian market they utilize the traditional method of distribution to their customers via their own distribution center as well as a number of independent distributors.Distributors may place orders when they choose; each year is sectioned off (referred to as canvass periods) and specific products are offered at discounted rates in an assigned period. The type of product that is offered in each canvass period is decided by the sales department. There are also volume discounts offered on certain products which may be specialized by the Barilla sales personnel (i. e. free shipping for full truckload orders). Sales staff has set sales targets for each canvass period which results in pressure sales to the distributors.The distributors will purchase more of the discounted products in order that they can pass the savings to their customers to achieve higher sales. The majority of distributor’s periodically review their stock of Barilla products and place orders with Barilla based on re-stocking to the previous level they had of each product type. Input from the store level is not considered as the main factor in ordering. There are no set minimum or maximum levels for types of pasta or for size of distributor. Pasta production is time consuming; a series of steps are involved that must be followed to produce the quality of pasta that is Barilla’s trademark.The drying process alone takes approximately four hours; the settings of the kiln are specific to the size and type of pasta being produced. In addition to production time there is shipping time which varies dependent on the proximity of the manufacturing plant to the distribution center. Shipping encompasses the availability of vehicles and the cost of shipping. The current method of ordering means that there are less-than-truckload or LTL shipments taking place which are more expensive than full-truckload or FT L shipments. Part Five: Alternatives Alternative One: Sales ControlsThe Barilla sales department will offer product promotions based on product movement at the region/store level. Volume discounts will be discontinued. Pros: Promotions based on sales data from the individual stores will reduce stock outs and will maintain the sales department’s relationship with the customer. Cons: Distributors lose control over the stock and stock levels that they are carrying. Sales of other product lines that Barilla produces will decline and some customers will change to other suppliers for their variety of product. Alternative Two: Inventory ControlsBarilla will set minimum/maximum inventory levels for each SKU based on historical sales data. Safety stock will be produced of the pasta types that regularly stock out at the distributor locations. Pros: Instituting set inventory levels for each SKU will ensure a more realistic supply of product for each location. Producing safety stock for the pasta types that spike will reduce restock time and mitigate market share loss. Cons: Historic data is inherently flawed because of trade promotions and volume discounts; minimum/maximum levels would be skewed.Excess stock would take up a significant amount of space and extra storage space would need to be obtained. There will be conflict with distributors because of their loss of control and with sales because of the loss of promotional opportunities. Alternative Three: Just in Time Distribution (JITD) Product will not be ordered by the distributor but will be supplied by the manufacturer to the distributor based on data provided about the previous day’s shipments from the distributor to the customers as well as their current stock levels of Barilla product.Pros: Barilla would ship product only as it was needed rather than having large amounts of excess stock. Information regarding supplies at the distributor’s warehouses would aid Barilla in improving their forec asting system. Barilla would have more control over the distribution process. Cons: Distributors do not want Barilla interfering with their inventory. The sales staff is reluctant to lose their opportunity to meet and exceed sales targets through their promotions. Part Six: RecommendationWe recommend the implementation of Alternative Three, the JITD model. JITD will enable Barilla to cut current distribution costs and stabilize supply to the customers. JITD is based on real time data and inventory specific information. Rather than basing product supply on current promotions or volume discounts, product supply is based on historical demand at the specific distributor locations. * This will ensure that customers receive product that they can move rather than being supplied product that will sit on their shelves for extended periods of time. Barilla will be able to reduce inventory levels at their locations because demand will be stabilized and as a result carrying costs will be reduce d. * Transportation can be regulated as product delivery is regulated and cost savings can be found through possible transportation discounts (FTL vs. LTL shipments). * Promotions can be tailored to individual products at individual locations. Barilla can manage inventory levels more effectively than the distributors because we have an understanding of all facets of distribution.The distributors do not have a clear understanding of the manufacturing process and the reason for lengthy lead times. Traditional trade promotion and volume discounts will be eliminated by the implementation of JITD. A new promotion structure will be implemented to maintain market competitiveness. Part Seven: Recommendations Implementation Plan We believe that to encourage both internal and external partners to embrace the JITD system, Barilla should introduce JITD as a pilot project at one of the distribution facilities that has experienced extreme demand variability.Customers are resistant to the change b ecause they will lose control over product type that will be carried. They do not want Barilla to push product through their centres to reduce their costs while restricting the distributor’s role in the delivery system. Barilla can present the data from the pilot project to the other distributors. The data will prove to distributors that implementing the JITD system will be of benefit to them as well as to Barilla. When proposing the JITD system to customers Barilla has to explain that it will: * Reduce Costs * Reduce Inventory Levels Improve Fill Rate to their Stores Implementing JITD is in the best interests of Barilla, the distributors and their customers. There is internal resistance, primarily from the marketing and sales group, because there is a lack of understanding about the effects that implementing the system would have on the various departments and their functions and duties. The sales department, in particular, is concerned that a JITD system would reduce their duties and impedes their ability to sell product by removing the current trade and volume purchasing promotions.In order to get buy in from each department I need to have the support of management including DiMaria, the manager of the sales department. Support for the changeover has to be top down as the current problem is not just a logistics issue but is a supply chain issue. Part Eight: Monitor and Control The pilot project will be implemented within two months and will be take place over the course of three months. The Key Performance Indicators and measurements are: * Customer Demand Levels – Success is flat demand or less than 1% variability in demand. Stock Out Levels – Success is stock out levels at less than 2% per order cycle. * Inventory Levels – Success is less than or equal to 90,000 kilograms of pasta/day at the manufacturing facility and less than 4% excess inventory total at the distributor’s warehouse. At the end of the three month trial the Barilla management team will review the data and prepare a report to present to individual departments within Barilla and to distributors. If figures, as laid out above, have not been met then Barilla will continue to maintain the current distribution process.